Our Club Constitution
To promote safety and excellence in the flying of radio controlled helicopters and aircraft.
The club shall be administered by and Executive Committee consisting of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and two Safety Officers. All are to be elected at the AGM to serve for one year. The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies that may occur in its membership during the year and to co-opt as it shall deem necessary.
The financial year shall run from 1st January until 31st December. The handling of the club funds shall be vested in the Secretary/Treasurer, subject to control by the Committee. Subscriptions and BMFA insurance become due on the 31th December, the amount for the following year being decided at the December annual general meeting (AGM). The accounts shall be audited before the AGM. The bank account shall be run on a two signature basis for all cheques or withdrawals.
The AGM shall be held in December. A minimum of 14 days’ notice shall be given. A general meeting may be held at any time at the discretion of the Committee. An Extraordinary General Meeting must be called if requested by at least two thirds of the membership giving signed notice to the Secretary.
All flying members must provide proof of BMFA insurance. Membership shall be either Flying or Non-Flying. Members shall at all times adhere to the rules. The Committee has the right to expel any member in breach of the Club rules. Non-Flying and Junior Members under 18 or in full time education shall have full voting rights. Their subscriptions shall be 50% of that paid by full members.
All visitors must show proof of insurance which is recognised by the BMFA.
Temporary amendments to the rules may be imposed by the Committee but must be ratified by the members at a formal meeting to which at least 14 days’ notice is given to the membership.
The dissolution of the club can only take place after a two-thirds majority vote is taken from the full membership. Any funds held at this time shall be donated to a charity selected by the members. The above shall be overridden in case of insolvency.
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